Wednesday, October 13, 2010

What did you do on 10-10-10?

The 10th of October 2010 marked an important day in the combat of global environmental and social issues. A staggering 7347 events(about 70 in our lovely South Africa) took place in 188 countries and ranged from solar installations to cycling for awareness to the planting of trees. There must have been tens of 1000s of people involved which will in turn impact millions if not billions of people in the years to come.

Unfortunately a flat bike tire stopped us from joining the cyclists in Durban city but I did get to plant a lime tree. Quite random I know but it was the only one in the nursery's range (all out of macadamia nut trees) that we wanted to use and I love cooking with citrus! So 1-2 years and I'll have my own organic limes.

I am not a big gardener but it was really rewarding to do and I highly recommend it. I will defintely be getting my hands greener sometime soon, with a macadamia tree (6-7 years till it bears nuts). I believe that every little bit counts.

I am encouraged by the increased consciousness of social and environmental issues. I have become more aware and try do my part in making a difference. It humbles me to witness how much people care about the environment. What a selfless and admirable act to invest in the future of their offsrping and humanity. I hope for blessing on these people in their lifetime.

So tell me what did you do on the 10/10/10? And in what way can you make a difference in your local environmental and social issues?

We had help from Chester (our beautiful Rhodesian Ridgeback) and were visited by a blueheaded lizzard

Check out the following websites for what you missed out on in your city and more info